Monday, April 18, 2016

Marathon Monday

You can take the girl out of Boston, but you can't take the Boston out of the girl. Today is Marathon Monday – The Boston Marathon. It's also Patriots Day. Or, if you live in any state other than Massachusetts, Maine, or Wisconsin, it may just be a regular Monday. Unless of course, you have kids! It could be the start of the famous April Vacation.

My family’s April Vacation wasn’t really a vacation at all. Once the snow had melted, we no longer had to get up at the "crack of dawn" to beat the "impending snow storm" and all pack into the family station wagon to head up to the White Mountains of New Hampshire to ski. The April Vacation was time to stay home, spend time with Nana, visit with school friends and, most importantly, go on Mystery Rides.

None of us kids knew when we got in the car where the Mystery Ride might be going but usually it was Boston. We went to The Boston Children's Museum, The Museum of Science, the Boston Public Garden, and for rides on the Swan Boats.  Something  as simple as riding the T (which is what Bostonians call their subway, for those who don't know) was super exciting and scary all at the same time. It was important we all were dressed well, and acted on our best behavior.

My mom was a teacher, so to have her to ourselves for an entire week was really special. My dad was a police officer, and as you might imagine, not a huge fan of Boston and the crowds, but he would make an occasional exception for a trip to Fenway Park or a day at Faneuil Hall Marketplace, especially if he could end up at the North End for dinner.
When we were in Downtown Boston my Nana would tell us how she used to climb the State House steps everyday, and how she went to work at Filene's Department Store against the direction of her husband – all to give her family a good life. In retrospect, I think she just didn't like being told what to do.

What does April Vacation mean to me now? Well clearly it's not a vacation. But it's something I look forward to, I'm blessed to spend time with children in the evening, usually after they have had a full-day of family activity. When I meet families here in Key West my first question is usually, "how was your day," and I love when I hear things like, "we relaxed and spent the day together." The "family-friendly" to-do list is endless here in Key West. But sometimes, just stopping to enjoy one another is what’s most important.

Love is now; and I can't think of anything more precious than seeing life through the eyes of a child.

Have a fabulous week!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Dear First Time Moms and Dads

I have a confession to make. I just met your child; you know the one that's 18 months (young) .. or perhaps 6 months; or 10 months or 22 months. I just met you child and my confession is: "I know"
Every child is unique and every parent has a special technique.  It's most often true that each child has a special blanket, or toy and most kids have that one food that they will eat if all else fails.  Just about every child cry's when you leave; but I promise you, (at least when it's with me, their is a good chance you might be crying longer) As a suggestion --- long goodbyes, always make it worse, for everyone.
Here's the thing.. I will listen to all the instructions; illnesses; allergies, medications,bedtime, etc.  All of this is important.  Having a phone number to reach you in an emergency; that's important -- Beyond that, we are really going to be great; we are going to be more than great; we are going to be excellent.
You could spend hours in your head thinking of all the possible things that might happen and, I could mention in the 20-years I've been doing this, I've had lot's of interesting situations; and most of my stories are about you -- yes you -- first time parents. Which, by the way, is totally understandable! But, I'm here to tell you now -- because I won't tell you in person; "I know"  I'm going to let you babble on about the special blanket and the hidden snack (but only if I definitely need it) I will also let you show me how to use the IPad, and how to put the special movie on (but only if he won't sleep) I will consult with you about your hair and clothing, because; you left it until the last second and now you can't decide. If you are like most, you have suddenly realized you haven't been without him in months and your not sure you want to even leave.. we will work through that together as well.
Here's what "I know" --  vacation doesn't usually run exactly like home; as much as we try to keep some kind of structure.  "I know" I will do my best to follow the instructions I'm given; but mostly "I know" I will provide a safe and secure place for your first child, and no matter what happens, I am confident I will find a solution.  Lastly "I know" if you can relax just a little bit, your will find Key West to be a great place to go out and have an amazing time.

Thursday, March 3, 2016

March Madness - Key West Style

Let me give you a sneak peak of the great stuff going on in March! Stay tuned for the next post, because this is just a sample! 

March 4 & 18 @ Dusk: Free Movie under the stars at Bayview Park; to follow up- to-date information; go to

March 5 @ 11am-3pm Key West Pre-School Key West Pre-School Co-op Annual Spring Fair

March 4 & 5 @ 8pm The Jewel Box Review: Celebrity Impersonation and Comedic Performances by Boys in Dresses! Featuring comedy, live vocals, show-stopping production numbers, dazzling costumes, and much more!

March 12 @ 5pm "Picnic Under The Stars"-- a fundraiser presented by Boys & Girls Club, Key West Art & Historical Society, Mote Marine Laboratory, and Womankind.
The family-friendly event welcomes all to bring a blanket and enjoy a picnic-style celebration in the grass-covered citadel grounds of the historic Fort located at 3501 South Roosevelt Boulevard. 
The entry fee is only ten dollars, with children twelve and under free.

March 11 & 12 @ 1pm-4pm Old Town Restoration Foundation House Tours  

March 14 @ 8:30pm Key West Theater present Julia Murney singing "Broadway" hits!  

March 19 @ 5:30pm-8pm Equality Florida Key West Gala - The Gardens Hotels; 526 Angela Street to RSVP; go to;

March 1-26 "The Producers" @ 8pm The Waterfront Playhouse

We look forward to your arrival! 

Monday, February 29, 2016

Monday? Already?

Here in Key West it's literally impossible to take advantage of all we have to offer during your stay -- people often ask me why I still live here and my honest answer is; I still have so many things I haven't done yet.  We may be a small place; but the opportunities here are endless and they are always changing and expanding. 

This weekend; Theme Runs kicked off Saturday morning with a FINtastic 5K run/walk to benefit Gerald Adams Elementary School.  Participates were splashed with colors from the sea and; adults and children clearly had a wonderful time.  The 51st Annual Old Island Day Festival was a 2-day event filled with local artists; street performers; and food vendors.  Night life over the weekend included choices such as; a stunning performance by Lyle Lovett and Vince Gil at The Tennessee Williams Theater.  Meanwhile, just across town, Nick Cearley, had audiences laughing in the hit production "Buyer and Seller" at the Red Barn Theater

On Sunday, a fabulous musical performance was put on my the BadkeQuartet; at St Paul's Episcopal Church; or if you prefer something more upbeat; La Te Da has a standing Tea Dance where you will find a fun crowd dancing and possibly even singing; enjoying the afternoon breeze.

I know you could be thinking.. but that all happened this weekend; I missed it! Trust me, if I told you all the things I missed this weekend, you would stop reading; because, let's be honest, who's attention span is really that long anyway?

Next up...  great stuff to look forward to in March! You know..when you are actually going to come and visit!

PS: If you prefer to just sit at the beach, or by the pool, I totally get it! We have plenty of that here too! And, I'd love to watch the kids while you relax.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Stopped dreaming, Started Doing

I'm a planner.  I'm terrible at making decisions.  I can be a perfectionist to a paralyzing extent.

The only things in life I recall doing "without a plan" include the real big decisions in life; the ones that were super hard to make, that I just had to close my eyes and jump in -- a few examples include transferring to Arizona State University 3,000 miles away from home, another example is when I bought a brand new car right after I graduated from Curry College; no cash down, 5-year loan. The third example that comes to mind, is moving here, to The Florida Keys, unemployed, without a solid housing plan, basically because my life was in turmoil and it seemed so crazy; I thought, it just might actually work!

Key West Childcare was a dream; for it to become reality I had to start doing and stop dreaming. This meant closing my eyes, and jumping in. Planning, decisions, perfectionism... all of that out the window.  Push through the fear and take the actions; understand I will make mistakes, I might be wrong and things are probably not going to go the way I'd like them; and most importantly, other peoples intentions are almost always good.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

They Say A BLOG...

A BLOG! They say this is the next step to let the world know about me; Erin, this women that started watching children at 16.. now, 20-years later, after several careers, both undergraduate and graduate school, has somehow landed at mile 0; with the Title "Business Owner" Key West Childcare .

Contrary to many, I enjoy families; every family is a little different; you and I both know you have that "odd uncle" or that you get super stressed over the holidays.  Maybe you have that child that will always ask for one more goodnight story.  Or, maybe you have an infant you haven't left with anyone except your mother.

No matter what the situation is, more than likely, in the 20-years I've been taking care of kids, and families, I've probably been through a similar situation and therefore it's my pleasure to take on whatever the situation may be. Like, just this week, I was at The Pier House,; and I was introduced to a child with a vegan diet; I can now add that to my resume of attributes because it seems we made it through the dinner portion of the evening just fine!

I'm going to keep in short and simple. I love kids; I knew at a young age I didn't want to raise my own children --- however, as I took a look around, it was clear I was involved in hundreds of families life's; and watched so many children grow.  If anyone were to tell me one of the first little girls I took care of would be in the halls of a high school today, I would never have believed you. 

With that said, in January 2015, I took a good look around, I made an intention to turn my love of children and families into a career rather than a Saturday-night side-job. It's been an amazing ride, and I hope you join me for the journey.