Monday, May 7, 2018

Apprehensive Parent?

This morning, I met with a Mom that is here for her sisters destination wedding; she has two toddlers 3 and under.  As many parents can be, she's apprehensive about leaving the children, mostly the older boy.  We had a lovely morning at the park.  Other than a strong will that mommy had to assist with the restroom (which I totally understand); he seemed to really enjoy playing with me, and we had a fun morning.  I asked him if he would like to go to the park with me without his Mom and sister later on in the week; and he said "Yes" but then said "When I'm older" I thought that was so adorable.

It brought me back to a memory of another family I met recently; it was soon after Irma and they traveled from the Mid-West with 2-toddlers, under 3, and a boat.  Yes, they drove.  That's some intense dedication.

I remember when we were coordinating our first evening together, I got a text message that said something like "whatever your next available open date is, we will take it" The sincere honesty that they needed a break was refreshing.

When I met the kids, I quickly found the first born, a very lively and energetic boy not entirely keen about being away from his Mom. Transitioning him into "Mom needs a little break" took some creativity. His little sister although determined was not walking yet.

It was hard to miss me around town in the coming weeks during the few times I assisted this family.  One of the local Moms saw me at a stop light... on our way to the park "Erin, is that you? For how long? That's a lot!" I quickly learned that a double-stroller catches attention.

One afternoon, I showed up after what was "intended" to be naptime and asked how the day went and got an honest answer "well, neither really napped, this has never happened before, so I'm not sure what will happen next" That evening went fine, as did all of our time together. 

My very last afternoon with the kids, we went to the park and had a wonderful time.  Not once did that energetic boy ask when his Mama was coming back and his sister learned to walk just days before; it was such a blessing watching her feel so confident suddenly walking.

In 3 short weeks so much happened, it was hard to say goodbye.  I recently learned that not only will they be returning, but baby #3 will be with them!  Oh, and that boy that was so attached to his Mom, asked when he was going to see me again.

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